Lectures on Revivals of Religion by Charles Grandison Finney (1835)

"It is manifest that the church is sunk down into a low and backslidden state, when you see Christians conform to the world in dress, equipage, parties, seeking worldly amusements, reading novels, and other books such as the world read."

The Russia House by John Le Carre (1989)

"Katya collected Barley at ten o'clock on the Sunday morning from the forecourt of the immense Mezhdu narodnaya, which was where Henzinger had insisted they stay. Westerners know it familiarly as "the Mezhd." Both Wicklow and Henzinger, seated in the hotel's preposterous great hall, contrived to witness their happy reunion and departure."

The Personal Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant by Ulysses S. Grant (1886)

"As time passes, people, even of the South, will begin to wonder how it was possible that their ancestors ever fought for or justified institutions which acknowledged the right of property in man."

Letters from an American Farmer by J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur (1782)

"The Quakers are the only people who retain a fondness for their own mode of worship; for be they ever so far separated from each other, they hold a sort of communion with the society, and seldom depart from its rules, at least in this country.  Thus all sects are mixed as well as all nations; thus religious indifference is imperceptible disseminated from one end of the continent to the other; which is at present one of the strongest characteristics of the Americans."

Sheppard Lee: Written by Himself by Robert Montgomery Bird (1836)

"My swoon was, I believe, of no great duration, and I awoke from it a new man, as well as an old one.  Yes, I was changed, and with a vengeance; and into such a miserable creature, that had I justly conceived what I was to become in entering Goldfist's body, I doubt whether even the extremity in which I was placed would have forced me upon the transformation."

The Autobiography by Benjamin Franklin (1791)

"The Names of Virtues with their Precepts were...
12. Chastity.  Rarely use Venery but for Health or Offspring; Never to Dullness, Weakness, or the Injury of your own or another's Peace or Reputation.
13. Humility. Imitate Jesus and Socrates."